AMA Policy
The accessibility for Manitobans Act (AMA) became law in December 2013. This legislation provides a proactive process to remove barriers affecting persons with disabilities and many other citizens. SWS Training & Consulting Inc. is dedicated to achieving compliance with the customer service accessibility standard.
SWS Training & Consulting Inc. is dedicated to our customers and the quality of services that we offer. SWS Training & Consulting provides these types of services to all, that respects the dignity and independence of people with disabilities, our commitment continues to ensure that customers with disabilities are treated to the same quality service that all our customers have come to know and expect.
Additive Devices
Customers with disabilities who use assistive devices to access our services, will be accommodated by SWS Training & Consulting Inc. SWS Training & Consulting Inc. will assist staff in learning how to use the assistive devices and communicate with customers that enter our workplace. Use of service animals and support persons are welcome in our facility, at no point will persons with a disability be denied access to their supports.
SWS Training & Consulting Inc. staff will communicate with customers with disabilities to meet communication needs just as with any other client. In turn, staff will communicated in any means necessary that enables the individual to effectively receive/request service and products from our business.
SWS Training & Consulting Inc. provides accessible telephone service to our customers, training for all staff in how we communicate over the phone will be given, as well billing/invoicing will be accessible in different formats to meet the needs of our customers with disabilities.
Temporary Inaccessibility
SWS Training & Consulting Inc. will provide customers with notice in the event of a planned or unplanned change to accessibility to our business. Any accessibility interruption will be communicated with notices posted on the building entrance, social media, word of mouth, website and/or newsletters. Information regarding the reason for an interruption, how long the expected interruption will last and other means of access to our services will be provided in the communication.
Feedback Process
SWS Training & Consulting Inc.’s goal is to meet and surpass customers expectations while serving customers with disabilities. We welcome all comments and suggestions on how well we are doing at serving those expectations. All Feedback can be directed to the following or dropped off in person.
Human Resource Manager
Phone/Text: 204-799-4712
Mail: 30018 PR432
Stanley, MB
R6T 0C8
Customers can expect an acknowledgement of feedback left in any of the mentioned formats, within 5 business days with response to the feedback within 15 business days. Communication will be sent if an issue cannot be responded to within these time frames.
Training Staff
SWS Training & Consulting Inc. will provide training to new staff, current staff, volunteers and any others who represent SWS Training & Consulting Inc. that interact with the public.
New staff training will become part of the on-boarding process upon their first week of work. Current staff will have training once a year, unless changed by law or policies, and will be documented and filed.
A review of the AMA act, Human Rights Code (Manitoba) and requirement of the customer service standard will be added to the training for all.
Staff will be trained in use of assistive devices, interacting with persons facing barriers, persons assisted by support persons and/or assisted by a service animal.
Questions About This Policy
This policy has been created and adopted by SWS Training & Consulting Inc. to foster customer service excellence to customers with disabilities.
If you have any questions or concerns about this policy, if the policy is not understood , or you would like to request a copy, please contact us.